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How to remotly restart a CR6 program without using Device Config or Connect Screen ?

Yoann MICHIELIN Dec 6, 2016 09:00 AM


I am developping a hydrological measurments platform that integrates a CR6 datalogger. This platform transmits its data through a 3G modem.

I want this platform to be configured by a software interface we already have in the lab. To do that, this interface generates a config file and send it on a FTP server. At the restart of the program, the CR6 get the config file with the FTPClient instruction and then reads it before starting the Scan and Slowsequences.

My problem is that I just want to restart the program of the CR6 without using Device Config or Connect Screen, but just through the existing interface to ease the maintenance for the user.

Is there any way to remotly restart the CR6 program ? Maybe using the internet protocols (HTTP, UDP)  ?

Thank you for your help.


aps Dec 6, 2016 02:02 PM

Please see the instructions detalied in the CRBasic Help system for the WebServer/API Commands and in particular the Filecontrol instruction which allows you to stop and start programs.

This will only work if you can connect to the logger directly on the http port, i.e. it has a publically accessable IP address.

Other users should note how powerful these instructions are and should take care to lock down loggers which do have public accessibily by setting passwords, turning off unused functions etc.   Watch out for a blog article on this topic in the near future.

Yoann MICHIELIN Dec 7, 2016 02:45 PM

That was exactly what I was looking for. 

Thank you for your help.


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