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SD1-12 D1! command ( Sontek SL 300 acoustic profiler)

PPeters Feb 1, 2017 10:44 PM

I have an interesting problem with SDI12 that i have never come across before

We are looking at deploying a Sontek SL3100 for flow monitoring and looking at what array of data we can get back

The standard M! commad will report 2 arrays of numbers 4 under D0 and 5 under D1

What i cant figure out is how to get the D1 data?

on teminal investigation the M1 request replies 00429 so is telling the logger to expect 9 numbers

the D0 request  gives 4 numbers as i said and then the D1 the remianing 5

how can i get the logger to make the D1 request?

I have also tried the C! command but the format of the repsonse is a sequence of 8 D arrays, D0 - D7

on a test program i set up 2 options on port 1 a standard M request writing to array size 9

on port 3 a C request with array 52

both worked as we moved the sensor around but would only write to the first 4 arrays ( the expected DO response)


Public sensor_M(9)
Public sensor_C(52)

SDI12Recorder (sensor_M(),1,0,"M!",1.0,0)
SDI12Recorder (sensor_C(),3,0,"C!",1.0,0)

Any ideas?

has anyone got a recomended setup for the sensor?

I see it has modbus output as well but less familiar with that protocol

any help much appreciated



JDavis Feb 1, 2017 10:53 PM

What datalogger model and OS version are you using? You might just need to update the datalogger OS. I saw basically the same problem on a CR300 with an older OS version.

With that sensor, the M1! command only works if you first do a M! command.

PPeters Feb 1, 2017 11:15 PM

using a CR800 with std.29 firmware at the moment

Interestingly we have had some success on getting the data, not sure if it is the ideal way but is working


Public SL3000_M_D0(4)
Public SL3000_M_D1(5)
Public SL3000_M1_D0(6)
Public SL3000_M2_D0(6)
Public SL3000_M3_D0(6)
Public SL3000_M4_D0(6)
Public SL3000_M5_D0(4)

If IfTime(0,60,Sec)Then
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M_D0(),1,0,"M!",1.0,0)
End If

If IfTime(50,120,Sec)Then
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M_D1(),1,0,"D1!",1.0,0)
End If

If IfTime(55,120,Sec)Then
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M1_D0(),1,0,"M1!",1.0,0)
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M2_D0(),1,0,"M2!",1.0,0)
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M3_D0(),1,0,"M3!",1.0,0)
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M4_D0(),1,0,"M4!",1.0,0)
SDI12Recorder (SL3000_M5_D0(),1,0,"M5!",1.0,0)
End If

adding the delay to allow for the M command to finish then hitting with a D1 command has given the remaining data

sort of counter intuitive but worked

JDavis Feb 1, 2017 11:55 PM

If you updated the datalogger OS, it should work without the delays or the D1 command.

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