Infrastructure / Construction

What We Do

Campbell Scientific data-acquisition systems are an important part of construction projects. Our systems provide remote, unattended, portable monitoring for demolition and excavation, acoustical noise limit adherence, auditing of vibration of surrounding structures, and checking equipment performance to trigger failure or misuse warnings. They are compatible with a wide variety of sensors and communication peripherals to fit your exact needs.

Learn about our patented VSPECT® spectral-analysis technology at our VSPECT Essentials web resource.

The dynamic vibrating wire measurement technique is protected under U.S. Patent No. 8,671,758, and the vibrating wire spectral-analysis technology (VSPECT) is protected under U.S. Patent No. 7,779,690.

Check out some awesome examples of what our equipment can do in this area

geotechnical Geotechnical

Personalice sus sistema

La mayoría de los sistemas que vendemos han sido personalizados. Cuéntenos sus necesidades y le ayudaremos a personalizar el suyo.

Casos de estudio

Utah: Monitoring Strain on Precast Bridge Deck
The Utah Department of Transportation is investigating the effect on the life span of more