Infrastructure / Pavement and Roads

What We Do

Campbell Scientific systems are used in many road and pavement projects to monitor roadbed moisture, slope stability, and weather. Campbell systems can be customized with a wide variety of sensors with various input types, and can output data and alarms via most communication peripherals. They are rugged, use little power, and are reliable even in harsh, remote locations.

Learn about our patented VSPECT® spectral-analysis technology at our VSPECT Essentials web resource.

The dynamic vibrating wire measurement technique is protected under U.S. Patent No. 8,671,758, and the vibrating wire spectral-analysis technology (VSPECT) is protected under U.S. Patent No. 7,779,690.

Personalice sus sistema

La mayoría de los sistemas que vendemos han sido personalizados. Cuéntenos sus necesidades y le ayudaremos a personalizar el suyo.