33475 Pyranometer ISO 17025 Accredited Calibration to ASTM G167 and ISO 9846 with Documentation


The 33475 calibration service is performed using an intermittent shade method with a World Radiometric Reference (WRR) traceable AHF cavity radiometer. 

The 33475 calibration is ISO 17025 accredited to the following standards: ASTM G167 and ISO 9846.

Note: The intermittent shade method used is suitable for thermopile pyranometers. This method is not appropriate for spectrally selective sensors, such as silicon-cell pyranometers. 



The intermittent shade method used in the 33475 calibration service is suitable for all makes and models of ISO 9060 thermopile pyranometers. This method is not appropriate for spectrally selective sensors, such as silicon-cell pyranometers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Number of FAQs related to 33475: 1

  1. We offer three pyranometer calibration services:

    • 33477 ASTM G207 is an indoor calibration. The reference must be the exact same make and model as the sensor being calibrated. For example, a CMP11 must be used to calibrate a CMP11. Silicon detector sensors such as the CS300 are calibrated this way. This is the same method that the manufacturers of ISO 9060 sensors use to calibrate. Good.
    • 33476 ASTM E824 is a more rigorous outdoor calibration. The reference must be the same classification or ISO 9060 specification—for example, secondary standard or second class. Better.
    • 33475 ASTM G167 is an outdoor calibration. The reference is a transfer standard to WMO that has been yearly calibrated to a primary standard. Best.